Expert tax advisors for expats in Spain

If you are an expat, we are here to help you with all your paperwork and taxes.

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Home » Asesoría y gestoría » Tax advisors for expats in Spain

Are you a foreigner and unsure how taxes work in Spain? What advantages do expatriates have? How can you reduce costs? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, don’t worry, you’re in the right place.

Understanding the tax responsibilities of the country you reside in is important, but if you’ve just arrived in a new country, it can seem a bit overwhelming. At TaxDown, we have a team of tax advisors for expatriates. They guide anyone who needs financial and tax assistance, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. In this article, we’ll explain how we can help you.

Are you an expat? We help you manage your taxes

You may not know this, but if you live and work in Spain, you are required to pay income tax here. Depending on your residency status, you’ll either have to pay taxes on your worldwide income or only on the income earned in Spain. What you need to know is that if you are a tax resident — meaning you’ve stayed in Spain for more than 183 days — you must pay taxes in Spain.

Additionally, if you are an expat with tax residency in Spain, you may be subject to double taxation. What does this mean? It means you are required to pay taxes in both your home country and the country where you reside. However, many countries, including Spain, have agreements in place to avoid double taxation.

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While it may seem a bit complex, it’s actually quite common. This is often seen in companies that hire someone to work at a foreign branch for a few years. That’s why we have a specialized team for this type of tax situation. From the comfort of your couch, you can handle your taxes and rely on advisors who will help you out of any tricky situation, ensuring you file your return quickly and easily, without any hassle.

Additionally, the confidentiality and protection of your tax data is our top priority. Your information is safe with us. Our goal is to simplify the complex world of international taxes, offering you solutions so you can meet your tax obligations with peace of mind.

We help you with all your paperwork and forms

At TaxDown, we handle your paperwork so you don’t have to stress about the bureaucracy and red tape. Fast, easy, and hassle-free. What do we manage?

International taxes and paperwork for foreigners in Spain: we guide and assist you with all these processes:

  • Beckham Law, which could reduce your taxes in Spain by up to 48%.
  • We handle Form 210 (Non-Resident Income Tax – IRNR) for you. Forget about spending hours on documentation and paperwork!
  • We help you obtain your tax residency certificate.
  • We file your foreign investment declarations (Form 720 and Form 721).
  • Form 030: We take care of your changes and registrations with the Spanish tax authorities (AEAT).

David se acaba de ahorrar 1000€ gracias a la Ley Beckham.

  • Family Pack: We prioritize what’s most important: your family. That’s why we focus on freeing you from secondary concerns so you can concentrate on your loved ones. We help all kinds of families, from large households to single-parent families, as well as those welcoming a new member or caring for someone with a disability. We’re here to make your life easier with our support for any paperwork you need.
  • Service for Freelancers: Endless invoices, quarterly VAT returns… Say goodbye to the stress of paperwork. We don’t just offer advice; we take care of the entire process for you. Enjoy the convenience of managing your daily activities as a freelancer through one of the market’s leading platforms, backed by expert tax advice from our specialists. Plus, you’ll have access to guides, webinars, and exclusive content designed specifically for freelancers.
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  • Dealings with the Tax Agency: If you feel panicked when it’s time to interact with the Tax Agency, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. And that’s exactly why we’re here: to assist you. If you receive a notification or fine from the Tax Agency, don’t stress! We’ll handle the response for you. And of course, we take care of our most important task: filing your tax returns, always done to perfection.
  • Exclusive Content: You’ll have access to personalized resources like guides on saving, freelancing, investment, live streams, webinars, and more. All practical advice and detailed strategies to optimize your personal and business finances. All this and much more!
Un expatriado mirando al horizonte con edificios al fondo mientras piensa en cómo encontrar a un buen asesor fiscal.

Contact us!

The key to navigating smoothly through this fiscal maze is having the freshest information and expert advice, and at TaxDown, we’ve got the best. They can assist you throughout the entire process. If you have any questions, just send us an email at and our advisors will give you a hand. We’re here for you!

¿Vives fuera de tu país y tienes trámites que te preocupan?

Nuestros asesores fiscales expertos en expatriados se encargan ayudarte para que consigas la máxima tranquilidad y seguridad.

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¿Inversiones extranjeras?

Tus trámites sin errores y con el máximo ahorro

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0€ por año

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Calcula tu resultado incluyendo todas las deducciones. No incluye la presentación.

  • Incluyendo TODAS las deducciones
  • En 15 minutos
  • Fácil y claro

Elige el plan que mejor se adapta a tus necesidades

¡Más barato!
Hazlo por tu cuenta fácil y con seguridad

Desde 35€ por año

Plan PRO

  • Asesores vía email en 24h
  • Revisión final de expertos
  • Máximo ahorro garantizado
¿Una renta bien hecha al mejor precio? Este es tu plan
te recomendamos
Hazlo con apoyo de asesores en tiempo real

Desde 45€ por año


Todo lo de PRO más:

  • Chat directo con asesores
  • Respuestas en minutos
Ideal si buscas asesoría en tiempo real
¡nuevo SERVICIO!
Haz tu declaración con un experto en tu situación

Desde 55€ por año


Todo lo de LIVE más:

  • Un experto exclusivo para ti
  • Tu experto en WhatsApp
  • Informe final personalizado
Tu plan si buscas un experto exclusivo para ti
¡más premium!
Nos encargamos de hacer TODO por ti

Desde 65€ por año


Todo lo de EXPERT más:

  • Tu experto hace todo el proceso
  • Todos los trámites y ayudas incluidos*
  • Estudio de declaraciones pasadas
  • Cubrimos rentas complejas
Para los que prefieren dejarlo todo en manos de profesionales

El precio dependerá de la complejidad de tu declaración


¿Qué dicen quienes ya apostaron por TaxDown?



"Pensaba que solo era que te hacían la declaración y ya. Para mi sorpresa, ¡me orientan fiscalmente a lo largo de todo el año! Una verdadera pasada"

star star star star star


"Quise empezar a invertir en acciones y crypto y desconocía la relación fiscal que tendría y no dudé en aprovechar la suscripción para que me orientaran...muy útil!"

star star star star star


"iba a comprarme una casa y no sabía si me repercutiría fiscalmente, y me han aclarado absolutamente todo. Top!"

star star star star star


"el descuento en los planes para autónomos de trimestral es bastante bueno! ahora tengo todo centralizado y digital"

star star star star star


"me asesoraron en cómo y cuándo vender mi casa para ahorrar fiscalmente, no tenía ni idea!"

star star star star star


"prácticamente por el mismo precio que me cuesta un asesor, además de la renta tengo asesoría fiscal todo el año gratis...merece la pena"

star star star star star

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TaxDown es más que la declaración de la renta.

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