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Imagine that you have shares in foreign stock exchanges and you live in Spain. When it is time to file your income tax return, you have to report these investments. It is important that you declare the profits or losses you have made when selling these shares. The process can be a bit complicated because you have to enter all the details of your transactions on a platform called Renta Web. Also, if you have traded in different currencies, you have to take into account the currency exchange rate. The idea is to be very detailed and accurate to avoid problems with Hacienda. In short, it is like telling the Spanish government how much you have earned or lost with your investments abroad so they can calculate your taxes correctly.
Filing your income tax return if you own shares in a foreign stock market can be difficult, especially if you have made many investments and are faced with the challenge of declaring them in your income tax return.
But that’s what we are here for, to show you how to declare your investments and what you should take into account.
Stocks on the stock exchange for income tax purposes
To a large extent, it depends on the way in which they provide operational sales data. Since there are conditions that determine the way in which the shares are audited.
One of the elements that you must consider is the issue of the sale of shares. Since you will have to include it in the Income Tax Return.
These steps are going to be more complicated than necessary, that is why you should do some research on the matter. Since your main objective is going to be to include the shares to declare.
At this point is where we must know about savings income. Since the shares will be included among the capital gains or losses.
However, the Tax Agency and the Treasury establish certain conditions for shares. Both in the process of buying and selling as well as in the case of providing data for the income.
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It is possible that you have several shares in your portfolio, however these will not be taken into consideration. The Tax Agency is interested in you declaring the ones you have sold.
At the same time, in order to establish the conditions between capital gains or losses, you must make a calculation. This will depend on the price at which you bought the shares and at which you sold them.
In this case it is also necessary that you add those commissions that have been expenses in your investments. This will be checked later as a deductible expense in the process of making the investment.
Hacienda Considerations with Foreign Shares
A particularity that the Treasury Department manifests is that for it the shares will always be sold as the first ones you bought. In this way the shares will depend on the First in first out method, commonly known as FIFO.
It is necessary that you carefully analyze and determine all those incremental or decremental variations of the transactions. Since this data is extremely important in the profit element.
One of the most important stipulations is in the compensation of losses, specifically when you make the stock sale. Because it is not possible to buy securities in such a company for 2 months.

IRPF process for shares
Remember that you must be extremely clear about these regulations in order to do business with your shares. Otherwise you will have problems with the tax authorities during the income tax return process.
When you are a taxpayer who has business in the foreign stock exchange, you must acquire knowledge on the subject. It is important to know the concepts that are handled between the shares and the Tax Agency. There are several options for the tax return of the shares you have in the stock market abroad. One is usually simpler than the other, especially with regard to data entry.
How to enter your stock data
En este caso lo primero que tienes que hacer es ir a la página de Renta Web. De esta manera encontrarás el apartado f2, específicamente lo encontrarás en la página 15. Donde se estipula el tema de las ganancias y pérdidas patrimoniales durante el período fiscal en cuestión. El título a encontrar tendrá que ver con la derivación de transmisiones de acciones que han sido negociadas.
En el programa de la página web de la Hacienda se te va a facilitar este procedimiento. Ya que debes ingresar en la casilla 0328, lo que te abrirá la ventana de las acciones. En este punto es necesario que ingreses todos los datos que se te solicitan. Donde se debes estipular los datos por transacción y el conjunto de datos de tu empresa en cuestión.
Las dudas suelen surgir con respecto a la opción de la entidad emisora. En este caso colocarás el nombre de la empresa que ha recibido tus acciones vendidas.
Además de esto es necesario que agregues el valor que corresponde a la compra de las acciones en su momento. A su vez, vas a incluir el costo de la venta de las mismas acciones.
Este primer cuadro va a indicar inmediatamente si las opciones se encuentran dentro de las reglas que se estipularon anteriormente.
Al cumplir con todas las condiciones que establece Hacienda serán aceptado tus datos. Por lo que el segundo paso que debes hacer es aceptar que información otorgada es correcta. Automáticamente la página incorporará toda tu información en tu Declaración de la Renta. En caso de hacer más de una operación accionaria debes agregarlas una por una.
How does it work when dealing with foreign currencies?
There is a possibility that the stock transaction was in a currency other than the Spanish currency. If the currency is not the euro, you must make the conversion with the data referring to the sale of the day.
That is to say, you must add the exact reference of the value of the euro on the day of the transaction. In this way the system will be able to affect the quotation of the sale of the shares. In case you are a businessman who makes a lot of stock transactions, you should be aware of the limits of the site. Because the web income interface has limitations in terms of operations.
Use of the Treasury’s securities portfolio service. The Treasury will always give you the options for you to make the Income Tax return. In this case it will also provide you with a service to include the transactions.
This added help focuses on the ISIN Code of the company in which you have made the investment. And immediately this data will be redirected to your income tax return. The advantage is that you can include the operations and transactions one by one. In addition, the interface will notify you in case the data is not correct.

The most advisable thing to avoid future problems in the tax inspection, is that you justify all the operations. This means that you should have a file for each operation, to make things easier for you it can be through Excel.
You should always give exact details of the process of buying and selling your shares. Remember that the inspection process is long and tedious, so try to avoid it.
This way you will be able to speed up the process to declare the income if you have shares in the stock market abroad. The Hacienda’s web pages do not have any limitations regarding this.
Better file your income tax return with TaxDown and relax.
In short, if you have investments in foreign shares and you have to declare them in Spain, the process can be quite complicated. This is where TaxDown can be your ally. This platform greatly simplifies the task, guiding you step by step on how to declare your investments correctly and efficiently.
With TaxDown, you can avoid common mistakes and make sure you are complying with all Spanish tax regulations. So, if you want to save yourself headaches and make sure your tax return is accurate, consider using TaxDown. It’s a tool that makes your life easier, allowing you to focus on what’s important while they take care of the tax details of your overseas investments.
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